Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Happy New Year

I seem to have missed Christmas with you all - sorry about that. I hope you all had a nice time - I had a lovely time. I managed to cook the turkey and not kill any of the family. They all managed to eat most of their dinner too. Unfortunately my mum was ill so couldn't come along for dinner - but I did send her a doggy bag round.
I've had a great time off work - making stars from a great book I had for Christmas - Scrap Quilt Sensations by Katherine Guerrier. It's an easy to follow book and I'm pleased with the accuracy of the stars I've made.
I've also enjoyed having the time to cook - the Spicy pork and chilli pepper goulash from the Jamie at Home book is delicious - give it a try.
Have any of you dared to make New Year's Resolutions? I'm going to have a think about them and see if I can think of some fun ones.
Have a great New year and I'll see you in 2009...

Saturday, 6 December 2008

December already

Is it just me or has December come around really quickly again? I always know it's on its way - but I'm still suprised when it arrives. At least I think I've got all of my Christmas presents now - I just need to wrap them and write the cards.
And talking of Christmas cards bnelow is a photo of the cards we made for each other in our Bramble Patch with Bren. They're all so different. I was really sorry to say goodbye to all the girls as I won't be joining the class next year - but I think I will be back there in 2010 - boy does that sound a long way off.
And arriving on my doormat in the last few weeks - the new Selvedge magazine - beautiful as always.
And here's a bag a made for a friend's birthday...From this book...
And hot off the press (a late birthday present) is Keri Smith's latest book. It's a good fun book. Have a look if you get the opportunity.
And here's what I have to cope with when I'm trying to bind a quilt. Flo decided, in spite of the pins in it, it would be a good idea to curl up and go to sleep in it.
Take care and I'll be back soon.

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...