Yes. It's that time of year again. Warwickshire Open Studios
If you're able to visit any of the artists please do, I'm sure you'll have as great a time as I did today.
My first visit was to Sew Arty. A great shop, with lots of classes and lots of things to buy too. I managed to limit myself to 4 reels of thread.
And then off to see Jo Roberts.
I know when I go to visit I will see something 'mappy and lifey', but I'm never sure quite how she'll bring the elements together.
This project was Jo's record of 70 days. It's really interesting and funny.
The next photo is her current project with David Southwell. Do look at her blog to see how each of them interpret a word. Another beautiful project.
Jo was very welcoming and made a great cup of tea in a beautiful china cup and saucer.
I then popped over to Charkha Yarns.
And here are my purchases - rather restrained I thought.
I should also let you all know I attended a talk by Lynda Monk last week at the Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild.
She produces some amazing work - and I could hardly keep up with her description of techniques. Here are a few photos.