Thursday, 29 June 2017

Market Bosworth Festival 2017

Hello all,
I had a lovely weekend sewing, talking, drinking tea and eating cake. What more could you ask for!
I saw lots of friends and met lots of new people too.
I'm also hoping to teach later in the year - making your own fabric with fabric paint, stamps and screens. Keep your eyes open and I'll post details as soon as I have them.
It would be lovely to hear from you if you visisted.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

A gentle reminder...

Hi All,
Just a gentle reminder that I'll be demonstrating this Saturday and Sunday at the Parish Hall in Market Bosworth.
I'll also have work on display and samples and work in progress for you to look at.
I hope to see you there.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Long time, no hear

Hello all,
It's been far too long. 
I hope you're all OK and that you'll have time to pop along to my blog to my blog to see what I'm up to. I have some exciting things coming up.
The next exciting event is taking place in our village and I'll be there on the demo stand, free motion quilting. I'll also be able to show you all some samples of free motion quilting I'll be using in classes. So please do pop along to say 'hi'.

I'll be posting more soon so keep your eye out...

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...