Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Opinions please

Well here is my orange and blue fabric from the Strawberry Fayre cut into pieces. And below are the 3 samples I've put together.
Which one do you think? Top, middle or bottom? I'd like to hear any comments but can't promise I'll go with the consensus. I'm going
for the brightest one - I'm not too sure the colours have come out on the blog too well - but to be fair they are very close shades

I did experiment a little with transfer paints today. The fabric on the left is 100% polyester organza (Bramble Patch) and on the right 100% polyester lining (Fenwicks). The idea here was to test the colours on their own to see how they worked on the different fabrics - a point of reference.
For those of you who use The Bramble Patch you might like to know they have an 'arty farty' corner. Very nice - I did buy rather allot.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll experiment a bit more.


  1. If I was doing it, I would take the small blocks that meet in the center and switch the blues around ... dark blues in the light blue patch, etc. How's that for confusing you now? :o) Otherwise, the colours are fab.

  2. I had so much fun reading through your blog. Last night I had printed out directions to get to the pumpkin patch...now that you have mentioned it in your posts I have to try and make the trip!



New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...