Monday, 9 April 2007

Sunny Bank Holiday Monday

Yes - it's Bank Holiday Monday and it's sunny again. We've pottered in the garden - pulling out all of the weeds, it looks rather bare now.

Yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon in the sunshine drinking bubbly and eating. I managed to catch the sun and have a rather red neck and nose. I'm sure it'll calm down in a few days.

I made the template for the corners of the blocks of my quilt - I'll test it out later today and with a couple of the threads I bought from Cotton Patch - Au Naturalle and Topiary. I've a bit of a thing about variegated thread..... Having tried the Topiary I won't bother with trying the others as I think it looks really effective.


  1. The site looks great. I'm jealous of your day off work. I could really use one -- too many projects and not enough time. I look forward to reading more about your quilting adventures.

  2. Hi Sarah,

    Thanks so much for the kind comment on my blog and welcome to the very addictive world of blogging. I've bookmarked your blog and will visit often..I've really enjoyed reading what you've written so far. I, too, have a thing for bags and have far more than I'll ever use :o) They are just such good things to make and give quick gratification in completing something in a short amount of time.

    Well done for entering something into Trentham. I haven't been that bold yet. I have one thing I'm working on for the Strawberries and Cream thing at the Bramble in June and even that scares me a bit....I still question whether or not I'll be brave enough to enter it :o) Presumably you went to the Trentham show...I missed it again this year as I feel ill on that weekend :( Was it good?

    I would be very happy to pass on info about your group's exhibit to the 2 groups I attend..just drop us a line with the details..what part of Leicestershire are you in? Not too far way I would imagine.

    BTW, you have your email hidden (under user profile - privacy) and therefore I couldn't sent you a direct e-mail...hence the long comment :o)

    Take care,


  3. I love the coour combination, Sarah. Thanks for visiting my blog - I shall come back and see what you are up to - Dale

  4. Hi, Sarah, welcome to bloggerland. It's a wonderful way to journal one's quiltmaking activities. Thank you for visiting my blog and TTYL! Karen

  5. Sarah,
    Your blog looks great so far, I hope you're enjoying it. Can we see more pictures of the quilt in this post? I've got a stack of string-pieced squares that I don't know what to do with anymore (it's a long story, a big project that's falling apart slowly..) and I really like your arrangement.

    take care,

  6. Congratulations on getting your blog launched. Having a blog has helped me become focused on my work and given me an unbelievable community of supportive, like-minded women. Enjoy and have fun with it!

  7. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I like the look of your quilt - lovely colours - but I vote for more pictures too!! I admire you hand quilting a large project :)


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...