Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Summer party

Last night was our quilting group Summer Party. And just like last year we ended up inside due to the rain. The worst part of it was it had been so nice and sunny during the day and about an hour before the party started you could see the clouds rolling across the fields and you just knew it would rain. We all took along food and our fabulous hostess provided the Pimms. It was a really nice evening - just sitting and chatting - and eating some really great food.
I'm still at my large quilt - but I've only got 2 corners left to go now - so hopefully I'll get those done tonight or tomorrow and will then be able to trim it up ready for binding. I've worked out how to do the binding - but it'll be single and not double.
Almost forgot to say but I've got a bit of an experiment going on in the garden at the mo. Not too sure how it'll work out - rust dyed fabric. I'll share the results in a few days time.


  1. You obviously all tempted providence by cutting those lawns :o)

  2. Well done Sarah! the quilting looks great. It's always nice to finish a project and have the notion of preparing for the next one. Have a good weekend!


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...