Thursday, 6 September 2007


...well unfortunately Dennis died last month. Although we were very upset at the time we realise he had a very happy long life (18 years) and he spent his last day in the garden sunning himself.
Everyone who came to the house met him - whether they wanted to or not; he was very friendly. So here are a last few photos of him looking like the fat happy orange cat that he was...


  1. Oh, so sorry to hear this Sarah Jayne. I know he will be missed. You have some pretty pictures of him and I'm sure some beautiful memories

  2. He looks like a wonderfully friendly orange mass! :-) It is good that he was able to enjoy his lasts days in the sunshine...

  3. Oh Sarah Jayne, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. He looks like a jolly cat and it's always so nice when they are of the friendly sort. Glad to hear his last day was spent in the sun..
    Take care,


  4. Dennis looks like such a happy creature. I'm sorry for your loss. I know how pet are more than just animals. They're truly members of the family.

  5. Oh he's lovely, you must miss him so much!!! I love cats they treat you mean, but they keep you keen (if you know what I'm saying). Great photos of him!

  6. Sorry to hear about Dennis. But as a cat, who could ask for more than a comfortable home where you could sleep in the sun all day - bliss :)

  7. I'm sorry - it's such a wrench when they go, however long and happy their life. He looks like the nicest kind of cat

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Dennis. He sure lived a long life and you must have many wonderful memories of him. I'm glad his last days were peaceful.

  9. Just catching up. I'm sorry for your loss Sarah. Pets are so very special. Our Shadow is 16 now, partially blind and deaf but otherwise still healthy. I keep telling myself to get used to the idea that he doesn't have many years left. I'm glad your kitty had such a good long life, and that you have so many happy memories of your time together.


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...