Hello. Yes I'm going to make a terrible confession. I'm prone to clutter. I know you're all very shocked - I can almost hear the gasps, but it's true. I'm sure there are lots of us out there trying not to acquire clutter - but it still appears anyway. And having a hobby like quilting doesn't help as you acquire fabric and tools that seem to take up soooo much space.
Anyway, I know it's a problem (and if I forget DH is sure to remind me ;-)). I've a number of books (cluttering up my bookshelf) about how to de-clutter but the one thing they all say is - just do 15 minutes on a small area and you'll see the difference. And I know when I do - you really can tell the difference. I think my clutter shows up much more as DH is so very tidy and organised (I joke with him he's verging on OCD). I have found a blog that has some useful information on it - Unclutterer. and there's a good article with some simple guide lines. I know that when I do clear stuff up I do feel and work much better for it. Well I'd better go now and attack an area. Is there anyone else out there who can confess to the same challenge?
I certainly can - does it go with the territory to have too many books about decluttering and organising, because I do that too. Unlike yours my husband is also untidy and even more of a hoarder than I am so you can imagine... or maybe best not to. Re helpful web sites, I also like Zen Habits, and No More Clutter.
ReplyDeleteI can let things go, but am not someone with a lot of "stuff" so it doesn't clutter much. The biggest hurdle I often see for those struggling with clutter is that when they receive an item (as a gift, or through purchase) it never has a home defined for itself! Hence it just keeps migrating from place to place, always being "clutter". I work with people eager to "declutter" and one of the most effective steps is choosing a home for things...
ReplyDeleteOh geez, aren't we all hoarders?! I'm trying to declutter at the moment, but its a slow process, since I tend to acquire really nice clutter. So its all slowly disappearing via ebay and the stuff that doesn't get rescued goes into the donation bin.