Friday, 29 February 2008

Almost March already

I managed to finish work in London a little early on Monday and went along to the V&A. I wanted to have a look at their Japanese things - as you can see from the photo they have a really good collection.

And just look at this in the main foyer - wow. It's huge. And amazing to see.
On Tuesday evening I dragged a colleague along to Liberty's. I just love that shop. I treated myself to a couple of bars of posh soap - they smell great. We treated ourselves to a cup of tea in the cafe - tea leaves and a mini tea strainer. It was lovely. The only problem I had was I fell up the stairs at Oxford Circus - I've now got a great collection of bruises of varying colours.
My class at the Bramble Patch went really well and it was great to see what everyone had been up to. They have a new range on fabric in called 'In the beginning'. It's really different to any others I've seen - very contemporary. Please do take a moment to have a look at the collections Floragraphix 1 and Cho Cho no Sanpomichi.
I bought a bag pattern from the shop that uses one of these fabrics. I promise I'll post a photo of it when it's made.
I finished and bound my piece for the Easter exhibition. It managed to shrink by 2 inches so it's only 50 inches long and not 52 as it should be. I've also sent my entry form for Malvern for the same piece - so some of you will see it in the flesh.
Well I plan to have an easy weekend and do lots of sewing - hopefully my BQL March bag too.
Have a good weekend.

Friday, 22 February 2008

BQL February bag challenge

Hello to you BQL people out there - I know you've been sneaking a peak. Hope you're all well and can see I've joined into the spirit of the BQL bag challenge and completed the February one and I've been a good girl and I've posted my photo in the album. I'm looking forward to the March one now.
As you can see I've been concentrating on this bag this week - so I haven't done much else apart from my creative thing each day (and sometimes that's been the bag). I am know in our group as a bit of a bag lady - in a nice way (I hope).
Tomorrow I'm off to the Bramble Patch for another class with Brenda - I've got to crack on and sort out my binding for my exhibition piece for their Easter show and I've also got to decide whether to enter it for Malvern.
I'll leave it there for now. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Monday, 18 February 2008

What I'm up to...

For those of you who are a member of the BQL Yahoo group you'll be able to see the component parts of the February Bag Challenge. I've only recently got back into the habit of looking at this site so I completely missed the bag challenge. However Kandy has very kindly let me join, but I need to pull my finger out and get this completed. I think I've done most of the hard bits now and the rest 'looks' quite straightforward.
I also need to get ready this week for my class at The Bramble Patch on Saturday. If any of you are going to be there do let me know and I'm sure the rest of the class would be more than happy for you to have a look at what we're up to.
Had a worrying Friday evening as Flo disappeared. Neither of us had seen her all day. So I kept going out in the evening each hour - shaking the cat biscuit box outside - it was really cold. I knew I'd end up having to walk up and down the street shouting her at some point.
Well - when I did there was this very loud MEOWWWWWW from a garage over the road. Luckily there were in and I hope she's learnt her lesson now. She's too curious for her own good.
Have a good week.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung here. This weekend the weather has been amazing - bright and sunny. And the plants are starting to get going now. As you'll see in the next few photos, narcisii, snowdrop (next to Buddha) and a crocus. They're looking a bit lonely at the mo but I'm sure lots of other things will start appearing very soon.
And here are some of my attempts at the creativity thing. The idea is that you change the scale of the shapes you've cut out and see how they work in a realtionship. As DH often says I'm so happy with some pictures, a glue stick and a sketchbook.

And finally here is another little look at part of my Bosworth Water Tower piece. I think I've finished the quilting now - but I might change my mind at the next class... LOL
I've alos sent in my entry form for Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent - so has the rest of the group. So now we're all committed - if you know what I mean.
Hope you've all had a great weekend. Hopefully England are winning at Rugby and then we're off to the pub for a coffee.
PS -please excuse my spelling - the spellchecker on Blogger seems to have given up. Is anyone else having the same problem?

Sunday, 3 February 2008

It's February already

I can't believe it's February already - it only seems that it was Christmas and the New Year last week. Must be a sign of old age.
I had a lovely day yesterday - another day quilting in the village hall with other members of the Market Bosworth Quilters. Not many of us - more qulaity than quantity LOL.
I think I've just about finished my piece for Brenda's class - all the quilting is done - just the binding now and perhaps a bit or surface embellishement. Oh and I mustn't forget the hanging sleeve.
As you can see from the photo above I'll be starting another quilt soon - rather pink I think you'll notice. I promise to keep you posted on the progress of this one.

And just a few photos of Flo looking cute and sleepy. I get on with her fine but her and DH do seem to have a few issues - she bites him...

Hope you've all had a good weekend.
I'm off to have my dinner and then spend a lazy night quilting.

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...