So - here's a bit of a surprise for you - a mid-week post - just to prove I do eventually get around to some stuff.
Here are 4 cards I've made. I thought it would be a good use of some fabric I'd made rather than it just sitting in a box. So I'll be signing, dating a numbering them.
One of the things I'm going to try this year (note I'm NOT calling them New Year's Resolutions) is to pick a book each month to focus on and try out some ideas from. So this month it's a relatively new book called 'Drawn to Stitch' by Gwen Hedley. A great Christmas present from my mother and father in law.
So I've started in my sketchbook - the idea is that I'll use the one sketchbook for the year of the 12 books. Lets see how it goes.
Above and below are my attempts at making 'fabric paper'. I met a very nice lady on the course at Bramble Patch last year, she's much more a mixed media artist. She very generously provided instructions of how to make fabric paper and she provided a sample too. I'm not sure how successful my attempt will be. I'm going to persevere.
So I've started with a muslin base - pasted with PVA watered down, the next layer is paper (or chocolate wrappers from Christmas) again with a coat of watered down PVA finally covered with a final layer of white tissue paper - with - yes you guessed it another layer of watered down PVA. Once it was dry I applied a thin coat of gesso. The idea now is to stitch it and add stamping or more watered down acrylic paint. I promise to show the results - whether good or bad.
So now I'm going to get the sewing machine out and see what I can do.
Hope you're all enjoying the New Year.
Hope it turns out Ok Sarah ... like almost all 'fabrics' it always improves when stitched.
ReplyDeleteSome interesting looking projects. Look forward to hearing about them all when I see you.