Saturday, 26 February 2011

Dyeing Day

Hello all,
I've had great fun this morning. Been dyeing and am very pleased with how it's gone so far.
So here is my attempt at graduated dying from Magenta to Ultramarine.

And this set runs from Bright Turquoise to Golden Yellow.

 And I've been very good at making sure I keep a record too. So I've noted the colours and how they've been mixed. I also brushed the colour against the notes and I've added a square of fabric to ensure I have a record of the colour achieved. 
As i had some of the dye mix left I made another plastic cup up and added some threads that have been wound onto plastic cotton reels. I also added some manufactured printed fabric too to see how they turn out.
So - next time I'm sure I'll be able to show you the results. 
Hope to hear from you all soon.


  1. What fun! It has been years since I did any dyeing...oooh roll on warm weather so I can get out in the garden and make a mess :o)

  2. You are so methodical! I was dyeing yesterday but got carried away and forgot to make notes or samples!! I'll try to be better organised next time


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...