Friday, 16 September 2011

More baking (not mine...)

 I'd like to be able to claim responsibility for baking these lovely Butterfly Cakes - but I can't  they are all DHs hard work.  And boy are they nice.
 And I thought I'd share a few pages of my Sketchbook.  I'm really enjoying it.  It does make me draw on a regular basis.  I've found a new products - like water soluble graphite pencils. Very nice they are too.  I found the shading really difficult - but it has improved.  
I must say sharing sketchbook pages is like baring your sole - so please be kind with your comments.
Hope you all have a nice relaxing weekend.
Take care.


  1. Well I'm very impressed with the sketching - and the buns!!

  2. Yay for being brave and sharing your sketchbook. Looking good.

  3. Really impressed that you have the confidence to show the pages, and the drawing is looking really good.
    Sarah S


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...