Monday, 28 May 2012

Crikey it's hot!

Yes it's hot - still.  But I'm not complaining.

Just wanted to tell you about a couple of forthcoming exhibitions:

The main part (with the quilt exhibition) is 23 + 24 June.  Additionally we have open gardens on 24 June.
The quilt exhibnition is on in the Parish Hall from 11 - 5, we have a raffle, sales table and (the best bit) is there are tea and cakes for sale.  Proceeds will go to The Samartins and the local Guides and Scout groups.  It would be lovely to see you there.

This is an exhibition of work from the members of the Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild.
It's on from 14 - 18 August from 10 - 4. On Friday they have a late night from 6-9 at Wycliffe Memorial Methodist Church, Lutterworth, LE17 4EZ.
Demonstrations, a sales table (which is made up of work from the members) and - you guessed it - more tea and cakes.

Keep sewing - I'm sure it'll cool down soon.
Have any of you bought Festival of Quilt Tickets yet?  I've got tickets for some of the lectures and the coffee morning.  

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lionheart Project

Hello all.
I do hope you're enjoying this spectacular weather.  It really seems to have put a smile on everyone's face and a spring in their step.
I thought I'd share this project with you all - I'm sure lots of you have already seen it.

It's an amazing peice of work.  And the best thing is it's on tour around the courtry.  I'm certianly going to make the effort to have a look.  Let me know if you see it.
Enjoy the sunshine.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Cushions galore

Hi all.
I had a lovely day yesterday with the girls from the Market Bosworth Quilters.  We were making things for the Market Bosworth Festival.  
So - as I'd seen some great Union Jack inspired cushions I thought I'd draw up a pattern myself and test it out.
Here are the results:
One cushion made up
 And one almost a cushion.
Anyway - must get back to finishing my cushions...

Thursday, 17 May 2012


 Hi all.
Sorry for not posting.  I'm trying to post a couple of times a week, but am obviously failing.
Anyway - you can see I've been busy.  I really enjoyed making this small 8 x 8 piece.  I wanted to start trying out some new design ideas and this format is great.  I'm not sure if it's finished yet - I'll let you know if I do any more.  I'm pleased I was able to use up some of my own dyed fabrics.
And here is the start of me chopping up a jelly roll.  I have to do this a bit at a time as I find doing lots of cutting results in a stiff back.  I'll show you how I get on.

I also wanted to let you know about a great book I've recently read.  I've harped on about it to everyone else, so I thought you should get some of it too.  It's 'The Chimp Paradox' by Dr Steve Peters.  It's a really good read and has provided some insightful comments into peoples behaviour.  Give it a go.
Take care and I'll be back soon.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Hello all

Hello all.
Hope you're well.  Still a bit wet here, but warm too.
So. I finished the quilt - yay.  Promise to post a decent photo of it this weekend.  As Jane said it's much easier to machine quilt if you press all the seams out - a lot less bulk.
And I decided to re-do my notice boards to inspire me whilst working through a book I've had for a while - 'Art Quilt Workbook' by Jane Davila and Elin Waterston.  I thought I'd pick 2 themes:
 and Architecture.
I'll let you know how I get on.
Take care.

Monday, 7 May 2012

How to avoid lots of unpicking!

 As I'd made good progress with making up this quilt top I had the bright idea to add a 'fillet' of yellow to brighten it up and add a couple of borders. So the idea was there - but how to do it wasn't - hence lots of unpicking.  I thought I'd share how I worked it out so you could avoid the unpicking
So cut a 1 inch strip, iron in half and baste along the outer edge of the quilt. I basted along the edge so they be picked out easily - there is still a bit of unpicking.
 Then stitch on the next border. 

Then press out and remove the basting.
How else can you spend a damp Bank Holiday weekend.
Hope you're all enjoying sewing too.
Best wishes

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Been busy...

This little pile became:

Not too sure what I'll make.  I've decided to press the seams open rather than to one side to see how machine quilting in the ditch will go.

And I heard this one the radio...
Very 80s

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...