Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Market Bosworth Festival

 The Festival was a great success this year.  It was lovely to meet some of my blog readers... you know who you are.
Above is a photo of Helen Rhodes who was demonstrating in the Bosworth gallery.  She's so nice and produces great work - do have a look at her website.
 Here's a photo of the Town Crier - not sure where he was from, but he looked very smart in his outfit.
 And here is the lovely Bee Design stand.  She also makes great paper products.
 I wanted to show you the quilt Phyllis made using Edwina's 'cut and come again' method.  It was very popular with visitors. 
 I thought you'd like to see some of the work completed by some of the ladies who were beginners and are now producing great work.  If you'd like to know more about classes drop me a line and I'll forward you details on.  Don't worry I don't teach - the lovely Linda does.
 Here is my small contribution to the show.  At long last I finished hand quilting with a seed stitch and got the binding finished and even a sleeve on.  I'm really pleased wit the results. 
And finally a lovely quilt by Angela.
So - hope you all had a good weekend.  We raised loads of money - over £1,500 which we've donated to the Samaritans, the local Guides and the local Scouts Group.
See you all soon.


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...