Well - autumn has finally arrived.
That means I need to make a quilt so I can snuggle under it in the evenings ,hand quilting it to keep me warm.
My Walk series has hit a creativity block, well I think most of my creativity has.
Work really does get in the way. But I do have something new coming up that I'm sure will help to re-spark my creativity.
I'll be sure to share this you all.
I did attend a really interesting talk at the Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild by
Karen Parry from John James.
One of the most interesting parts of her talk was explaining the different needles and their uses.
We also had the opportunity to buy some of the needles she'd explained to us - remembering that we all need to change them more often.
It was very interesting and useful talk - so if you have the chance do attend.
Hope you've managed to attend a fireworks display. I went to the LOROS event at Mallory Park. I must say it was one of the next displays I've seen in some time.
Take care and hope to see you soon.
That sounds like a fascinating talk! Thanks for the link to the different needles...I'll have to share that with my students...they would find it very interesting!