Saturday, 25 October 2014

Work in progress - English Paper Piecing

I thought you might like to see what I'm working on.  This EPP (English Paper Piecing) project will, hopefully, end up a 20 inch cushion.  It has made me realise that doing close work works better if I take my contact lenses out!
The pattern is from 'I love patchwork and quilting' which I have now subscribed to. It's a lovely magazine and I'd suggest you have a look at it.
I have a class tomorrow which I'll be sure to take lots of photos of.
Take care all.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Hardanger - the clue is in the title!

So yesterday I attended a class with Vicki Mansfield with the Leamington Embroiderers Guild.
She is an amazing embroiderer and had wowed us the previous evening with examples of her work. Now, I'm not great at formal stitching - I'm much more laissez faire in my approach, so I knew this was going to be a real challenge. And boy was it a challenge.
So this is what we were aiming for:
 And this is how it progressed throughout the day  

It was tough and I've never attended a class that was sooooo quiet!  All that concentration.  Although I did find it hard I was pleased to have tried something very different, which is the whole point of joining the guild.

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...