So - yet again a bit of a gap between posts - but I do have some photos at least. The photos were taken on my phone and I'm rather impressed with the quality. Much easier that lugging a camera around.
So, on Friday I went to the Bramble Patch for their annual Strawberries and Cream Exhibition.
The main part of the exhibition was work by two of my favourite artists: Edwina MacKinnon and Catherine Nicholls. The premis of the exhibition was they both produced a piece of work based on a visit to a location they made together.
The work was very interesting and showed their breadth of skill really well.
A very thought provoking exhibition.
Also at the exhibition was examples of English Paper Piecing. The Bramble Patch launched a mystery club at the start of the year - which is still open now. Here is a photo of one of the examples:
I also went to an event by the Tudor Tailor: Dressing Elizabeth I. It really was fascinating. It was amazing to see how they got dressed and how the costumes were constructed.
In addition, I have been doing some sewing - when it's finished I promise to share.
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