Sunday, 21 July 2019

New Project: plus an update

Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post. 
This might become a habit!

I've made really good progress with my Arctic Feathers and after selecting a range of threads to use am really enjoying quilting them.
 I like to use a range of threads with some projects - it adds a bit of variety. I've used a range of matt and silky threads that I alternate as I fancy.

So as I've got that one in hand I thought I'd find myself another project. 
 I found a quilt that really caught my eye on Instagram post from @karenlewistextiles. I contacted Karen who told me it was one of her patterns that was available from etsy. So I've bought it and the fabric!

So here's the quilt and below is the fabric I've bought. 
Karen used a variety of low volume background fabrics, but I've decided to use one.
I'm looking forward to seeing how different it looks in a different colourway

 A useful reminder to you all is about checking the scale images on printouts for FPP (Foundation Paper Piecing). 
I hope you can see the image where I've got the tape measure - it shows the 1 inch box is bigger than an inch. When I measured one side of the block it was 7 inches. 
When I looked at the pattern instructions I had previously printed the same image measured an inch and the same edge was 6.5 inches. 
I went back to print the pages again and realised it was set to print to 'fill the page' not 'actual size'.
 If I hadn't have double checked this I would have ended up having problems - and may not have had sufficient material.
So a little reminder - always check your templates.
 That's it for another week.
Take care .

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Arctic Feathers...

I know, it's been a while. I promise I'm going to try to post once a week. Honest!

I thought I'd start off with a quick project I've started this weekend. I've made a couple of cushions for our living from the Elizabeth Hartman pattern - Arctic Feathers.

As with all of her patterns Elizabeth makes life very easy with her clear, easy to follow instructions. The biggest issue I had was selecting the material to use. I finally settled on some fat eighths I had of Carolyn Friedlander. I'd bought the fabric ages ago and loved them so much I didn't know where I'd use them. I think they look really fab with this design - I hope you agree.
Have you used any of Elizabeth Hartman patters? I've also made the huge Kittens quilt and even quilted it. I promise to show it on another post.
That's it for now - short but sweet I know. 

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...