Thursday, 27 December 2007


Not too heavy a post today as I'm sure some of us may still be experiencing the excesses of Christmas.
Well - as you can see from the photo above I managed to cook a rather good turkey. A combination of a good quality 11lb turkey, good tips from Jane and a quick addition from a Gordon Ramsey cooking programme I saw on Christmas Eve. I'm very proud of my first roast turkey. The rest of the dinner was very good too (even though I do say so myself).
I'm also really pleased with the pressies I got. And I can share a little tip with you all. The reason I got a subscription to Selvedge magazine was because I said I wanted it on my blog and DH read it - what a great ploy - I'll be using it again LOL.
I also saw a great exhibition today at Warwickshire Museum - Gold Thread and Fire. It's not a huge exhibition but very interesting. I wish I could afford to buy a few of the items.
Here's the square in the village this afternoon at about 3.30; it's just getting dark and the lights are on. It looks so pretty.

And finally here are a few pictures I took of the Michaelmas House window. The animals I think are French and sooo cute. Lots of different textures. If I find out what the make is I'll let you know. Oh and their sale starts on January 3rd.
I do hope you all had a great Christmas break.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful turkey Sarah Jayne -- I'm hungry just looking at it! Good blog/gift tip, I'm going to have to remember that one LOL!


New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...