Saturday, 26 February 2011

Dyeing Day

Hello all,
I've had great fun this morning. Been dyeing and am very pleased with how it's gone so far.
So here is my attempt at graduated dying from Magenta to Ultramarine.

And this set runs from Bright Turquoise to Golden Yellow.

 And I've been very good at making sure I keep a record too. So I've noted the colours and how they've been mixed. I also brushed the colour against the notes and I've added a square of fabric to ensure I have a record of the colour achieved. 
As i had some of the dye mix left I made another plastic cup up and added some threads that have been wound onto plastic cotton reels. I also added some manufactured printed fabric too to see how they turn out.
So - next time I'm sure I'll be able to show you the results. 
Hope to hear from you all soon.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Preide & Prejudice - a lovely day...

Well - I had a great day yesterday with some lovely ladies celebrating a good friends birthday.
We spent the day eating cake, drinking tea and watching Pride and Prejudice. The proper one from the autumn of 1995.

Yep - and here's a picture of the lovely Colin.
It was a real treat to spend time with such lovely people and watch such a great programme. 
I'm very lucky.

Thursday, 17 February 2011


 YAY - finished
I'm really please to have finished this. It's not exactly as the one we were shown on the class - but it is in the style of. I've really enjoyed doing something different. Beading wasn't something I'd really done before - but I'm pleased with the finished piece and would certainly include it again as embellishment.
 And here is one of the altered books I'm working on. The cover (above) and the inside pages (below).
I won't be able to show you anything else on this until I get it back - completed - at the end of the year.
As you've probably guessed the theme is 'The Celts'. I'm intrigued what others will some up with.
Hmmm. I need to find something else to make now....

Saturday, 12 February 2011


 So - I hope you're all well.
As you can see I have made progress with the beading and I hope to have it finished next week. I've enjoyed working on a different scale.
And I've also found time to paint some papers. I used good quality lining paper and Brusho paints. I'm rather pleased with the results.
I'll let you know what I make them into.
I've enjoyed the sun this morning. I managed to get into the garden and hack back the buddleia. It looks a lot more open now. Still lots to do but I thought I'd spend the rest of the afternoon having a play with a few things I've got on the go.
Hope you're all well and hope to hear from you soon.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Free Book - really?

How often do you get something for free these days? Not that often - generally there's a catch. Well - I have something to give away - and so do 19,999 other people. Between us we have 1 million books to give away on World Book Night - Saturday the 5th March 2011. 
I'll be giving away 50 copies of Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell at Ye Olde Red Lion in Market Bosworth between 5 and 7.
So if you can't get across to see me look out in your local area for events.
Hope some of you will be able to make it.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Another class

Hello all. Hope you're all well and haven't been blown away in this ridiculously windy weather.
I had a lovely day yesterday. A great class with Viv Denscombe at Lutterworth with the Embroiderer's Guild members. If you have a look on her site at latest news there are some photos of her work. The one we were aiming to complete was called Allotment BR and is the first photo in detail. I had a great day and tried lots of new things. I can assure you it will turn out something like the photo.
And here is a photo of the first snowdrops I've seen. I really hope this means Spring is really on its way.
Hope to hear from you all soon.

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...