Sunday, 25 September 2011

FoQ part 4

Just a quick post this time.  For those of you who weren't able to make the FoQ Bonnie McCaffery has posted a great vidcast (in 2 parts) for you to share the event.  It's worth keeping your eye on this site as she meets some great artists. 
I've been busy at work this week so haven't done any drawing. I hope to rectify that this week.
Have a great week.

Friday, 16 September 2011

More baking (not mine...)

 I'd like to be able to claim responsibility for baking these lovely Butterfly Cakes - but I can't  they are all DHs hard work.  And boy are they nice.
 And I thought I'd share a few pages of my Sketchbook.  I'm really enjoying it.  It does make me draw on a regular basis.  I've found a new products - like water soluble graphite pencils. Very nice they are too.  I found the shading really difficult - but it has improved.  
I must say sharing sketchbook pages is like baring your sole - so please be kind with your comments.
Hope you all have a nice relaxing weekend.
Take care.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

FoQ part 3 and baking

Hmm...  Pear and Ginger Muffins from a Nigella recipe.  Very nice.
Thought you might like a post staring with cake.
I've lots more photos from the FoQ.  And here they are:

 I made this at the Rise and Shine session on Saturday.  A great opportunity to sit and chat and do a bit of sewing.

 I thought the show was great this year.
My sketchbook course is going well.  I'm drawing at the mo. Not my best skill - but that's the point isn't it.  And it is forcing me to draw, which can only be a good thing.
I've also been making very good progress with my UFOs.  Finished a number of cushion covers, a couple of tea cosys and a couple of Linus quilts.  It's very satisfying finishing off things.  I'm enjoying my new style sewing room.  It's great to be able to see all my stuff rather than thing it's there and not be able to find it.
Have a great weekend.

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...