Friday, 29 June 2012

Outstanding Projects

Do you remember when this...
became this?
Well - It's time to get it finished.  This is my next project.  I intend to hand quilt kit with big black stitches. I always like to have a hand quilting project.

Last night I went to the Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild talk.  It was a great talk from Gizella K Warburton.  She shared her work with us - both textile work and photographs.  I really enjoyed seeing both.  Do have a look at her work.  It's abstract and uses some great fabrics which give the feel of the countryside.
 These images give you a hint at the work Gizella produces.
I hope to make progress with a few things this weekend and I'll post about it next week.
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Market Bosworth Festival

 The Festival was a great success this year.  It was lovely to meet some of my blog readers... you know who you are.
Above is a photo of Helen Rhodes who was demonstrating in the Bosworth gallery.  She's so nice and produces great work - do have a look at her website.
 Here's a photo of the Town Crier - not sure where he was from, but he looked very smart in his outfit.
 And here is the lovely Bee Design stand.  She also makes great paper products.
 I wanted to show you the quilt Phyllis made using Edwina's 'cut and come again' method.  It was very popular with visitors. 
 I thought you'd like to see some of the work completed by some of the ladies who were beginners and are now producing great work.  If you'd like to know more about classes drop me a line and I'll forward you details on.  Don't worry I don't teach - the lovely Linda does.
 Here is my small contribution to the show.  At long last I finished hand quilting with a seed stitch and got the binding finished and even a sleeve on.  I'm really pleased wit the results. 
And finally a lovely quilt by Angela.
So - hope you all had a good weekend.  We raised loads of money - over £1,500 which we've donated to the Samaritans, the local Guides and the local Scouts Group.
See you all soon.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Market Bosworth Festival - Reminder

Hello All.
I hope you enjoyed the sunshine whilst it was here.
Now, this is just a little reminder for you all - it's the Market Bosworth Festival this weekend - specifically our village quilting group, Market Bosworth Quilters, are exhibiting at the Parish Hall on Park Street on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 between 11-5.  I can guarantee you'll see some great work and you'll be able to buy some lovely cake to go with a cuppa.  We're also holding a couple of raffles and we have a sales table - the proceeds of which are going to be divided between the local Girl Guide group, Scout Group and Samaritans.
There's lots to see elsewhere too.  An Art Exhibition for both days, Helen Rhodes with be demonstrating at Bosworth Gallery, Michaelmas House open their garden and Garden Studio, there's a craft market on the Saturday and farmers market and open gardens on the Sunday.  So lots and lots to see and do.  I'm sure if you come along you'll have a great time.  I'll be in the Parish Hall for most of the time - do pop along and say hi.
Regardless of what you do - have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


I hope you're enjoying the improved weather at the mo.  It's great to see some sunshine.
I thought you might like to see some of the poppies that have overtaken our garden.  We had a bit of a ruthless clear out last night and if it was horizontal it went in the green bin.  Don't worry there are lots left and I'm sure the birds enjoyed all the slugs and snails we exposed.
I ordered some plants and I'm hoping they'll arrive soon so they can fill these gaps.
Anyway. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Lovely sewing day

Yesterday I had a lovely time with the Leamington Spa Embroiderers Guild.  The idea was that we would develop our hand embroidery skills by picking a card with 3 stitches listed on.  My first three were Thorn stitch, Van Dyke stitch and Basque knot.  My head really hurt by the end of the day, but it's a really good idea and make you look at things differently.  It's also good to try the stitches with different threads.  I really enjoyed spending time with such a lovely group of ladies.
We all bring a dish along for a faith lunch.  I made Summer Vegetable Couscous.  It was yummy - and healthy too.

It's a beautiful day today. It's not raining YAY. I took a photo of the poppies.  Although they're flowering nicely, you can see the relentless rain has battered them.
Now DH has a bit of an issue with one of our garden visitors.
He's rather persistent and loud!  He doesn't seem to get a sore throat or tired!
So - enjoy the day and I'll post again soon.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Oh the rain...

Well.  It's still raining.  I can't think of a word that conveys the amount of rain we've had. Lots doesn't seem to describe it well enough.
Anyway, it did stop on Monday (for a while) so I took some photos in the garden.  I'm pleased that the lupins and foxgloves seem to like the rain.
Hope you're all ok - and at least dry

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Baking for the Jubilee

Hello all.
If I told you it was a bit wet - it really wouldn't convey how wet it is and it's coming down in sheets.
So, I've been a good girl and been to the gym this morning.  And now I've baked Jubilee Crown Shortbread.  Good job I went to the gym.
This is my second attempt - rolled out a bit thicker and allowed a little more room to spread.  One of the cookie cutters doesn't seem to work as well as it can spread into the next part of the shortbread.  But I can assure you they taste good.
I wondered if any of you had been to Malvern to the quilt show.  Unfortunately I didn't make it, but hearing from friends who did, I missed a really good one. With this in mind I thought I'd let you know details for next year's competition are out.  Why not give it a go?  When you enter a quilt you do get a day ticket too.  Be brave - go for it.
Take care and keep dry!

New Project: plus an update Hello again! Yes it's only been just over a week and here's another blog post.  This might become...